Photo by Jody Horton
Y’all, it’s been an awesome year here at Chocolate Noise. I’ve published stories about some of the best craft chocolate makers in the country on this site as well as places like Fortune and Saveur, hung out with chocolate lovers at my Underground Chocolate Salon, written a book (coming out fall 2017, sigh), and even compared Criollo cacao to Justin Timberlake. But my favorite part of each day is hearing from you and strengthening our community.
I’ll be pretty quiet over the next few weeks while I stuff my face full of Askinosie peppermint bark, Dick Taylor gingersnap chocolate, and other holiday goodies, as well as visit my family and do all of those other holiday-type things. But I’ll be thinking about you and how to make Chocolate Noise even better in 2017.
So what would you like to see from me in the new year? More in-depth profiles? More recommendations about chocolate bars? More quotes from readers?
Tell me at or on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!