Judge a Book By Its Cover

French Broad's new packaging is exactly what this industry needs

Let’s get real: We are a judgmental bunch. Very few people stand in the chocolate aisle (or wine or beer or, yes, books) and read the fine print. Instead we look at the cover as a shorthand to convey quality, time, care. It’s not the end-all, be-all, but it helps the hard sell.

Take French Broad, which has just MAJORLY redesigned their packaging. Up until now, their chocolate has been camouflaged behind some plain-looking wrappers. 

Brown. The shape of a cacao pod. Cursive. Not much to distinguish it on the shelf. Now take a look at how they've transformed their image:

GORGEOUS, right? It immediately speaks to the customer. Beyond saying, "You need to eat me NOW," it also communicates French Broad's strong sense that storytelling is central to their company and their mission. (Read more about French Broad in the full profile, here.)

Each bar can stand on its own, but together they make a unique library of chocolate. Inside every one you’ll find:

Chapter 1. The story of Dan and Jael Rattigan, the couple behind the cacao

Chapter 2. The story of that particular bar (for example, “From the Waters of Bulls Bay” to describe the sea salt bar and their collaboration with local company Bulls Bay Saltworks)

Chapter 3. Notes on Taste

Chapter 4. The story of the (recyclable) box and packaging

Afterword. The story of the entire company

Oh, and a delicious bar of chocolate.

As an interesting side note, French Broad decided not to use the term “bean to bar” but to describe their chocolate as “handcrafted.”

Over the past year or so many makers have redesigned their packaging (Ritual’s in particular is pretty cool). In my opinion Dan and Jael have stepped the game up several notches. Then again, I’m a book lover.

Which makers' labels are your favorite? Write me at megan@chocolatenoise.com or on Facebook or Twitterand I’ll include your comments in the next Chocolate Today!

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