A lovely chocolate turkey, just for me
This might get me in trouble, but I never really like turkey. It's all dry and cardboard-y and scratches my throat. That’s why this Thanksgiving, I’m celebrating with an all-chocolate dinner starring some of my favorite treats in the world.
The centerpiece, obviously, is a 2.2-pound hand-molded turkey made of 64 percent dark chocolate, dusted with edible gold, from who other than Fran’s Chocolates, in Seattle.
Now for the side dishes. You won’t miss mashed potatoes when you bite into the Needhams I’ve been saving all year for this occasion: The traditional Maine treat is made of mashed potatoes and coconut, then dipped in chocolate. And who needs can-shaped cranberry sauce when you can eat K’ul Chocolate’s Stamina bar, loaded with cranberries, cherries, pomegranate, raspberries, and maca root?
Stuffing is also a must. I’m mixing Xocolatl de David’s sourdough and olive oil bar with Mo’s dark chocolate bacon bar from Vosges to create my own take on the classic.
Even though Thanksgiving is about eating as many carbs as possible in a short amount of time, I figured I’d better throw in some vegetables. Two, in fact! Take your pick from George Bernardini’s imminent broccoli chocolate or Chocolate Naïve’s porcini bar. I’ll be having second helpings of the mushrooms for sure.
Now for my favorite part of the meal: dessert! Instead of boring pumpkin pie, I’ll be eating the ginger spice bar from Patric. And even though pecan pie is one of my favorites, I’m leaving the corn syrup at the store this year and digging in to Fruition’s cinnamon-toffee pecans instead.
Oh, one more thing: Thanksgiving usually spells families, which usually translates to a big ol’ drink. This year I’m gulping a Raaka Cabernet Sauvignon bar, followed by a snifter of whiskey dark chocolate from Askinosie. I hope you’ll join me.
Did I miss an amazing bar? Tell me at megan@chocolatenoise.com or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and I'll include your comments in the next Chocolate Today!